
江毅成 教授

姓名 : 江毅成
職稱 : 教授
辦公室 : 大義館624-5室
研究室 : 大義館 801 室
聯絡電話 : (02)2861-0511#33325
聯絡信箱 : ycchiang@faculty.pccu.edu.tw
材料力學 機械材料
專長: 固力分析、複合材料、材料工程、應用力學
期刊論文 / 研討會論文 / 專題研究計畫
Y. C. Chiang, ”On a Matrix Cracking Model Using Coulomb’s Friction Law,” Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 74, No. 10, 1602-1616, 2007. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang , ” Effect of Coulomb Friction on the Fiber/Matrix Debonding and Matrix Cracking in Unidirectional Fiber-Reinforced Brittle-Matrix Composites,” Journal of Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol.43, No.2, 1- 14 , 2007. (MSCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, ”Mechanics of Matrix Cracking in Bonded Composites,” Journal of Mechanics, 23 (2), 235-245, 2007. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, “On the Theory of Curved Anisotropic Plate,” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 22, No. 6, 741-759, 2006. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, ”Matrix Fracture Strength in Bonded Brittle Composites,” Journal of Materials Science, 41 (2), 573-577, 2006. (SCI)
Y. C. Chiang, “The Poisson Effect on the Curved Beam Analysis,” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 19, No. 6, 707-720, 2005. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, ”Curved Isotropic Beam Analysis,” Hua Kang Journal of Engineering Chinese Culture University vol.18, 2004.
Y. C. Chiang, ”On Fiber Debonding and Matrix Cracking in Fiber Reinforced Ceramics,” Journal of Composite Science & Technology, 61 (12), 1743-1756, 2001. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, ”The Influence of Poisson Contraction on Matrix Cracking Stress in Fiber Reinforced Ceramics,” Journal of Materials Science, 36 (13), 3239-3246, 2001. (SCI)
Y. C. Chiang , ” The Effects of Poisson Contraction on Matrix Cracking in Fiber Reinforced Brittle Matrix Composites,” Journal of Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol.37, No.3, 333-346 , 2001. (MSCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang , ” Tensile Failure in Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites,” Journal of Materials Science 35, 5449-5455, 2000. (SCI)
Y. C. Chiang , ”On Crack-Wake Debonding in Fiber Reinforced Ceramics,” Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 65, 15-28, 2000. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, A.S.D.Wang, and T. W. Chou, ”On Matrix Cracking in Fiber Reinforced Ceramics,” J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Vol.41, No. 7 pp. 1137-1154, 1993. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, “On the Crack Deflection by Rod-Shaped Inclusions,” Journal of Materials Science, 27, 68-76, 1992. (SCI)
Y. C. Chiang, and Tsu-Wei Chou, “Toughness Models of Whisker Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites,” ASTM STP 1080, 1011-15, 1990.
