
姓名 : 江毅成
職稱 : 教授
辦公室 : 大義館624-5室
研究室 : 大義館 801 室
聯絡電話 : (02)2861-0511#33325
聯絡信箱 : ycchiang@faculty.pccu.edu.tw
材料力學 機械材料
專長: 固力分析、複合材料、材料工程、應用力學
期刊論文 / 研討會論文 / 專題研究計畫
Y. C. Chiang, ”On a Matrix Cracking Model Using Coulomb’s Friction Law,” Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 74, No. 10, 1602-1616, 2007. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang , ” Effect of Coulomb Friction on the Fiber/Matrix Debonding and Matrix Cracking in Unidirectional Fiber-Reinforced Brittle-Matrix Composites,” Journal of Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol.43, No.2, 1- 14 , 2007. (MSCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, ”Mechanics of Matrix Cracking in Bonded Composites,” Journal of Mechanics, 23 (2), 235-245, 2007. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, “On the Theory of Curved Anisotropic Plate,” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 22, No. 6, 741-759, 2006. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, ”Matrix Fracture Strength in Bonded Brittle Composites,” Journal of Materials Science, 41 (2), 573-577, 2006. (SCI)
Y. C. Chiang, “The Poisson Effect on the Curved Beam Analysis,” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 19, No. 6, 707-720, 2005. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, ”Curved Isotropic Beam Analysis,” Hua Kang Journal of Engineering Chinese Culture University vol.18, 2004.
Y. C. Chiang, ”On Fiber Debonding and Matrix Cracking in Fiber Reinforced Ceramics,” Journal of Composite Science & Technology, 61 (12), 1743-1756, 2001. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, ”The Influence of Poisson Contraction on Matrix Cracking Stress in Fiber Reinforced Ceramics,” Journal of Materials Science, 36 (13), 3239-3246, 2001. (SCI)
Y. C. Chiang , ” The Effects of Poisson Contraction on Matrix Cracking in Fiber Reinforced Brittle Matrix Composites,” Journal of Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol.37, No.3, 333-346 , 2001. (MSCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang , ” Tensile Failure in Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites,” Journal of Materials Science 35, 5449-5455, 2000. (SCI)
Y. C. Chiang , ”On Crack-Wake Debonding in Fiber Reinforced Ceramics,” Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 65, 15-28, 2000. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, A.S.D.Wang, and T. W. Chou, ”On Matrix Cracking in Fiber Reinforced Ceramics,” J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Vol.41, No. 7 pp. 1137-1154, 1993. (SCI, EI)
Y. C. Chiang, “On the Crack Deflection by Rod-Shaped Inclusions,” Journal of Materials Science, 27, 68-76, 1992. (SCI)
Y. C. Chiang, and Tsu-Wei Chou, “Toughness Models of Whisker Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites,” ASTM STP 1080, 1011-15, 1990.

教師姓名 : 張 珩
教師職位 : 副教授
教師學歷 : 美國賓州州立大學 工業工程博士
老師信箱 : hchang@faculty.pccu.edu.tw
專屬網頁 : http://staff.pccu.edu.tw/~hchang/
專長科目 : 製造自動化 人工智慧 數位控制 鑄造、鍛造
1985 - 美國賓州州立大學工業工程學系博士
1983 - 美國賓州州立大學工業工程學系碩士
1978 - 大同大學機械工程學系學士
Wayne State Univ. Detroi 工業製造系助教
期刊論文 / 研討會論文 / 專書及專書論文 / 研究案及建教合作案
Chang H .,華岡工程學刊, 1995“A Self Organizing fuzzy-Neural system for Knowledge Extraction”
Chang H., Lin T.W.,IJPR, 1992“evaluation of circularity tolerance using Monte Carlo Simulation for coordinate Measuring Machine”
Wang H.P., Chang H., Wysk R.A., IIE Trans, 1988 “An Analytical Approach to Optimize NC Tool Path Planning for Face Milling Flat Convex Polygonal Surfaces”
Lin C.A., Chang H., Wang H.P., IJPR, 1998“Computer-aided Design and Manufacturing of Plate Cams”
Chang, H.,“A Fuzzy Approach to Analyzing Manufacturing Flexibility,”Hua Kang Journal of Engg,pp 107-119,1995
Mejabi, O., H. Chang, and X. Liu,“Integrating Fuzzy Decision Making and Simulation: A Flexibility Case Study,”International Journal of Manufacturing System Design, 1996

教師簡介 Profile

姓名 Name

曾敏烈 Ming-Lei Tseng

職稱 Title


Associate Professor

教研室 Office

大義館 625-3室

電話 Phone

02-28610511 ext 33322

傳真 Fax


電子郵件 E-mail


個人網頁 Homepage





Ph.D., Dept. of M. E., UC Berkeley, USA.


M.S., Dept. of M. E., Northwestern University, USA.


B.S., Dept. of M. E., National Taiwan University, Taiwan.


Experiences of academy



時間: 自 96年 8月 1日 至 97年 7月 31日共 1 年



時間: 自 84年 8月 1日 至 86年 7月 31日共 2 年



時間: 自 74年 9月 1日 至 80年 5月 31日共 6 年



時間: 自73 年 9月 1日 至 74年 8月 31日共 1 年



時間:自71 年 9月 1日 至 72年 8月 31日共 1 年



時間: 自 70年 8月 1日 至 71年 7月 31日共 1 年



時間: 自 67年 8月 8日 至 68年 7月 31日共 1 年


Experiences of industry



時間: 自 94年 8月 1日 101年 7月 31日共 7 年



時間: 自 82年 1月 1日 至 83年12月 31日共 2 年


Research interests



Teaching courses

應用力學 (Applied Mechanics)

自動控制 (Automatic Control)

線性規劃 (Linear Programming)

機動學 (Mechanisms)

線性代數與應用 (Linear Algebra & Applications)

振動學 (Vibration)

研究計畫 (Research projects)

國科會 / 科技部 專題研究計畫案


NSC 101-2221-E-002-098



NSC 100-2221-E-002-081



NSC 88-2212-E-006-082



NSC 87-2212-E-034-002



NSC 86-2212-E034-001



NSC 85-2212-E034-001




Drilling Process Design & Environmental Effect of Aerospace Composites (III)

國科會 / 科技部 大專生專題計畫案


101年度大專學生參與專題研究計畫,NSC 101-2815-C-034-004-E,中國文化大學,三輪車前輪轉向機構,專題學生:蔡棋文,指導教授:曾敏烈。





(97)研評字 第018號,中國文化大學專任教師研究計畫案,Tracking Control for Linear Non-minimum-phase Systems Based on A Second-Order Polynomial Hold Function, 97/11/1~98/6/30。

研究著作 (Publications)


  1. Tseng, Ming-Lei, Shih-Yu Lin and Min-Shin Chen, “Nonlinear Disturbance Observer for a Clas s of Nonlinear Systems,” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IJME); ISSN (Print): 2319-2240; ISSN (Online): 2319-2259; Vol-6, Issue-3; pp 27-38, Apr-May 2017. (Impact Factor (JCC)-2016: 3.8967; Index Copernicus Value(ICV)-2016: 49.98; NAAS Rating: 3.30)

  2. Chen, Min-Shin, Shih-Yu Lin, Ming-Lei Tseng, Yi-Liang Yeh, and Jia-Yush Yen, “Robust State-and-Disturbance Observer Design for Linear Non-Minimum-Phase Systems,” Asian Journal of Control , Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 1135–1141, May 2016. (SCI Expanded, Impact Factor: 1.556 (25/58))

  3. Huang, Jeng-Tze, Tran Van Hung, and Ming-Lei Tseng, “Smooth Switching Robust Adaptive Control for Omnidirectional Mobile Robots,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , Vol. 23, No. 5, PP. 1986-1993, September 2015. (SCI, EI, Impact Factor: 2.474 (9/58))

  4. Huang, Jeng-Tze, and Ming-Lei Tseng, “Global Robust Adaptive Neural Tracking Control of Strict-Feedback Systems,” International Journal of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence , Vol. 3, Iss. 2, PP. 59-69, Jun. 2013.

  5. Wun, Song-Sian, Yan-Siang Liao, Mu-Rong Siao, and Ming-Lei Tseng, 2011, “Design of an Adaptive Configuration Vehicle,” Hwa Kang J. of Engineering , v. 27, pp. 88-95, January 2011.

  6. Tseng, Ming-Lei, and Min-Shin Chen, 2010, “Chattering Reduction Of Sliding Mode Control By Low-Pass Filtering The Control Signal,” Asian Journal of Control , Volume 12, Issue 3, pp. 392 – 398, May 2010. (SCI Expanded) Impact Factor: 0.562. Published online 25 February 2010 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com)

  7. Tseng, Ming-Lei, 2010, “Tracking Control for Linear Non-minimum-phase Systems Based on Polynomial Hold Function,” Hwa Kang J. of Engineering , v. 25, pp.23-30, January 2010.

  8. Tseng, Ming-Lei, 2007, “Tracking Control for Linear Non-minimum-phase Systems Based on A Blocking-zero Hold Function,” Hwa Kang J. of Engineering , v. 21, pp.23-28, June 2007.

  9. Tseng, Ming-Lei, 2004, “A Micromechanical Model for Mode I Delamination in Composites,” Hwa Kang J. of Engineering , v. 18, pp.31-34, June 2004.

  10. Tseng, Ming-Lei, 2002, “On the Effectiveness of Integrating Probabilistic Neural Networks with Influence-Diagrams,” Hwa Kang J. of Engineering , v. 16, pp. 27-54, June 2002.

  11. Koa, M. H., Ming-Lei Tseng and T. Y. Hwang, 2000, “Dynamic Time Series Predicting with a Hybrid AI System,” Hwa Kang J. of Engineering , v. 14, pp. 147-160, June 2000.

  12. Tseng, Ming-Lei, 1997, “Design of Self-Organizing Probabilistic Neural Networks,” Hwa Kang J. of Engineering , v. 11, pp. 33-47, June 1997.

  13. Tseng, Ming-Lei, 1996, “Design of Probabilistic Neural Networks for Discrete Variables,” Hwa Kang J. of Engineering , v. 10, pp. 47-70, March 1996.

  14. Tseng, Ming-Lei, 1995, “Theory of Neural Learning for Probability Estimation,” Hwa Kang J. of Engineering , v.9, pp. 185-204, July 1995.

  15. Tseng, Ming-Lei, 1995, “Introduction to Influence Diagrams,” Hwa Kang J. of Engineering , v. 8, pp. 113-125, March 1995.

  16. Tseng, Ming-Lei, 1994, “Mechanical Diagnostic Systems: a survey and Evaluation,” Hwa Kang J. of Engineering , v. 7, pp.69-86, May 1994.

  17. Tseng, Ming-Lei, A. M. Agogino and P. Jain, 1993, Integrating Neural Networks with Influence Diagrams for On-Line Sensor Validation and Diagnostic Reasoning (February 5, 1993).

  18. Agogino, A. M., Ming-Lei Tseng and P. Jain, 1992, “Integrating Neural Networks with Influence Diagrams for Power Plant Monitoring and Diagnostics,” Neural Network Computing for the Electric Power Industry: Proc. of the 1992 INNS (International Neural Network Society) Workshop, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, pp. 213-216.

  19. Agogino, A. M., K. Naassan, and Ming-Lei Tseng, “Intelligent Sensor Validation for Process Monitoring and Control,” MICRO Report 90-003, The Microelectronics Innovation and Computer Research Opportunities (MICRO) Program , (ed., Prof. William S.C. Chang, Chairman, MICRO Executive Committee, Mail Code R-009, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093- 0409), 1992.

  20. Tseng, Ming-Lei, 1992, “Toward a Science of Mechanical Diagnostics,” Hwa Kang J. of Engineering , v. 6, pp.123-143, July 1992.

  21. Agogino, A. M. and Ming-Lei Tseng, 1990, Research on Integrating Neural Networks with Influence Diagrams (Final report to the Institute for Scientific Computing Research, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 1990.).

  22. Tseng, Ming-Lei, and R. A. Burton , 1982, “Thermal Stress in a Two-dimensional Plane Stress Half-space for a Moving Heat Input,” Wear , 79 , pp. 1–9 . (SCI, EI, Impact Factor: 1.509)


1.          Chi-Wen Tsai and Ming-Lei Tseng, “Front Wheel Steering Mechanism for Tricycle,” The 29th of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society National Conference , Kaohsiung, December 7-8, 2012.


  1. Ming-Lei Tseng, Shih-Yu Lin and Min-Shin Chen, “Nonlinear Disturbance Observer for A Class of Nonlinear Systems,” Seoul International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Applied Sciences , SICEAS-738, Seoul, Korea, February 7-9, 2017.

  2. Chi-Wen Tsai and Ming-Lei Tseng, “Front Wheel Steering Mechanism for Tricycle,” The 29th of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society National Conference , Kaohsiung, December 7-8, 2012 .

  3. Jeng-Tze Huang and Ming-Lei Tseng, “Global Adaptive Neural Tracking Control of Strict-Feedback Systems with Bounded Uncertainty,” 2012 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA) , Singapore, July 18-20, 2012.

  4. Chien-Jen Chen, Shen-Tang Cheung, Hung-Yi Chao and Ming-Lei Tseng, “Energy Storage Keyboard by Use of Piezoelectric Materials,” 2011 Intelligent Living and Digital Life Conference , IDLC11-042, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan, April 29, 2011.

  5. Tseng, Ming-Lei and Min-Shin Chen, “A New On-Line Interpolation Scheme Based On A Controlled D/A Converter,” Proceedings of 2008 CACS International Automatic Control Conference , National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 21-23, 2008.


1.      Min-Shin Chen and Ming-Lei Tseng, 2011, “A New Design for Noise-Induced Chattering Reduction in Sliding Mode Control,” Sliding Mode Control , Andrzej Bartoszewicz (Ed.), Chapter 24, pp. 461-472. ISBN: 978-953-307-162-6, InTech. Available: http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/a-new-design-for-noise-induced-chattering-reduction-in-sliding-mode-control .

2.      黃育庭、曾敏烈,2006,「微電腦控制永磁式直流馬達」,大專生專題研究論文。

3.      Tseng, M. L., 1991, Integrating Neural Networks with Influence Diagrams for Multiple Sensor Diagnostic Systems , Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, U. C. Berkeley.

4.      Tseng, M. L., 1980, Thermal Stress in 2-D Half-Space for a Moving Heat Input , Master Thesis, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University.